Time for a play by play of our Christmas.
As is tradition we open ALL our presents as fast as is humanly possible.
There were some very happy boys that morning...
And as it turned out a very happy Mummy *jumps around the room*
Grandparents soon arrived with even more Presents!
So I proudly handed out MY homemade Mulled wine and Mince pies. It was a risky move as my mum usually hates both. However they loved them so I'm either a Christmas genius or they were lying through their teeth...
During which time Hubby was stressing over the delicious Turkey in the kitchen...

Obligatory Christmas cracker hat.
Obligatory glass of Champagne for Mummy.
And then when our belly's are so full we can barely move,
its time to watch a film on the telly...
"Don't worry Mummy there's always a happy ending..."
Then before we knew it, it was Boxing day! Are you loving the Christmas PJ's? |
After yet more food its time for our traditional Boxing day walk. A chance to make us feel less guilty about our expanding waste lines. This year however it didn't quite go according to plan...
It started off so well. Sun shining, Snow twinkling...
But really quickly both children got very grumpy. So it wasn't long before we tried to get back to the car as quickly as possible. Which was challenging with Isaac refusing to walk or be carried and Lucas having a complete melt down. So typical they always love going for a walk.
But as is the way with children sometimes... *sigh*
Me singing nursery rhymes to try to distract Lucas, as you can see it worked in no way at all |
*sigh* |
Don't worry Lucas hasn't fallen out of carrier. Daddy is trying his hand at distracting him. |
Some horses helped to bring the crisis down a few notches though...
So that was our Christmas and despite the disaster boxing day walk, I loved it!
Hope you also had a lovely Christmas!