Wednesday, 27 July 2011
Sunday, 24 July 2011
A little world in my garden
Remember what it was like to be young and playing all the time? Completely absorbed in your own imagination. As an adult it takes effort to relax and lose yourself in the moment but when you are young its as natural and regular as breathing. I really love watching it in my boys especially in Isaac now he is older. That is when they are not wrestling each other until someone cries. (Seriously endless wrestling, its it a boy thing?)
Remember all the things you imagined?...
The characters you could play...
Exploring the undergrowth... Climbing mountains...?Climbing magic bean stalks...
Tracking through the jungle...
Um being a penguin..?
Hide and seek...
Boy loves to drive...
And back to the wrestling...
But hey a little imagination nudging is never a bad thing.... voila we have a pirate ship...
'Eye eye captain, lots of treasure to be found...'
There is lots of treasure for them to discover in my garden at the moment...
Plus we have a few little friends as well...
This little dude knows how to make life interesting...
Have a little nibble... Check who's watching...
Then mix it up a bit...
What? Why be like every other Tom Dick and Harry...
Why indeed.
But after all that awesome playtime its bedfordshire for little people...
Remember what it was like to play like that?
Friday, 15 July 2011
Things I'm loving at the moment...
Meeting up with friends we adore but haven't seen in AGES. You know the kind of friends who even if it has been ages it feels like its been no time at all...

Even if they do look like they should be models in a magazine, alright guys stop looking so pretty...
Being with these friends that love your kids like they are their own...
Getting our boys together with some girlfriends to play with...
Although looking hard Isaac informed me that the princess isn't around today...
Conquering scary bridges...
Even we joined in the fun...
Although I wasn't convinced...
At all...
But I got in the swing of things...
Um...Question...When exactly did my oldest lose his babyish looks and start looking like a real boy?
Anyway back to things i'm loving at the moment...
Hot days ending with moody looking storm clouds...
(I placed my sun glasses over the lens as a makeshift filter in these shots as we were driving home)
Hanging in the tent in the garden even when its raining...
All this heat and rain is making stuff grow real nice...
Eating home grown Raspberries...
Soaking them up before they grow up too fast...
Isaac decided some dunking was required...
This boy cracks me up...
Chunky pastels...
And Lastly baking with my first born...
...who says he wants to grow up to be Daddy. Listen kid, Daddy may be a cooking genius but it's mummy that bakes the sweet stuff!
Isaac usually eats more than he bakes...
As always we approach this in a tidy organised manner...
Although we didn't have actual ginger bread men shapes...
But we made it work...
The reviews were kind...
So we made another batch with new cutters...
Not all of them made it though...
Good times people, good times.
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