We recently went on a trip to Newcastle to see my friend Fiona get married.
We also went to the sealife centre in Tynemouth which was really good! Right off the bat Lucas makes a new friend and refuses to move on...
I can see the attraction...
Sort of ...
Holy space creatures what on earth are these?!...

Now this I have seen before, so pretty...
Now we get to the fish who look so pleased to see us...
What's that now? Where's Nemo?
How the devil should I know?
Oh don't give me that fish stare I have no idea! You all look the same to me...
Ask him I think he knows something...
And just when we thought things couldn't get more exciting it did...

Great stuff!
We also went to the beach. The day when it was really hot and we swam in the sea was the day I didn't charge my camera. So you'll just have to make do with the day it was kind of cloudy so we just hung out on the sand a bit...
Which was kind of fun too...
Despite bringing an array of buckets and spades Isaac seemed content to just roll about it...
And lucas?
Well he just wanted to eat it *rolls eyes*
Don't be fooled, it may look like chocolate but it is definitely sand.
And when he wasn't eating sand for lunch
he was following Isaac everywhere...
And when Isaac didn't want to play with him?
Well I think you can see what happened...
Daddy as usual got in on the action...
And even risked my wrath by using my camera slyly to get some shots of me when I wasn't looking...
And what is the first thing the lens sees?
Me telling off Isaac for kicking sand in Lucas' face! Seriously I make him look so good with his athletic lifts and jumps and this is what I get?!
It gets better...sort of
The only way to make Lucas go in the direction you need him to go is to carry him on your hip. We do that alot...
Finally me playing with Lucas...
Or I'm playing rugby with my child as the ball. Same thing.
What? They love being chucked around...
And a trip to the beach wouldn't be complete without showing off your muscles. At least I think that's what he's doing? Unless hes trying to perfect the art of standing up sleeping...
My kids are nuts...
Lastly before we waved goodbye to lovely Newcastle we met up with Fiona and Mark at a nearby farm...
Where the birds were pretty...
And the pigs were...
Oh my...
And the goats were friendly...
And the sheep hmm...a little static.
So much fun in such little time.