Daddy was away on a school ski trip! But we are making it work. Plus it snowed and I'm Snow's no.1 fan...
I totally love this wall clock my mum gave me for the garden.
So we got through the week by playing in that snow as much as possible...
Well they played and I took pictures...
Yay purple Wellies!
I made a snowman, don't get excited it doesn't even reach my knee...
In my defence It was really really cold!
We made more mess than I thought humanly possible. I cleared it up. And we made it again. And by 'we' I mean 'them'!
We played from the minute we woke up (at 6am without fail!) to the minute we fell asleep. Seriously where do they get their energy from?
I cooked!No really I did!
Actually I really enjoyed it and have resolved to do more despite the cooking genius that is my husband being in charge of the kitchen. And just in case we hadn't made quite enough mess we did some 'making' with glue and all sorts of stuff...
These served as superhero masks, diving and masquerade masks all in one. Now why hasn't that been invented before?
We made cards for Nana who had the Flu...
We made new friends...
And we made gifts for Daddy. I'm sure he will find many uses for them...
Mostly we waited for Daddy to return...
We literally counted the sleeps until...
One day there he was...
We had missed him so much!
He also brought gifts...
And new felt tips for the boys which can I just say, the carpet and soft cushions are particularly grateful for...
Change, even difficult change, wakes you up and gets you moving. It shows you what you are made of.
Change is good.I feel ready to conquer the world.Well after I pick up all the frigging Lego again...