A tiny amount of sun showed it's face recently we went to a favourite spot for a walk. It was the perfect way to spend Good Friday...
Still no signs of Spring here...
But still pretty nonetheless.
As usual we set out exploring...
There were little treasures everywhere...
And you know me and trees...

Yep, I a tree hugger for sure. Sometimes I do actually hug them. You know? Just to earn the title...
Even in the winter they have such beauty...
And close up they are awesome!
We have our favourite climbing tree too...
And this time we had to play a game of hide and seek among the trees who were very much obliging.
Although the boys seem to prefer a funny version of the game where you hide in a really conspicuous space. The person seeking can clearly see where you are hiding but they jokingly claim they can't see you ANYWHERE!!...
It goes on for what feels like hours...
Seriously no stealth needed here!
It never gets old...
Eventually we were cold and it was time to go home...
'Sure I'm coming Mummy'...
'Wait what's that I see in the distance...''Yes, yes it is!
Forget you Mummy...
Surely we didn't? Hells yeah we did...
All in all and awesome walk!