Sunday, 24 March 2013

Great Expectations

So it has snowed for about three days straight here which is just crazy.

Any Spring that may have sprung has been halted in it's progress...

BTW the following is what happens when I let the boys (I'm including hubby in this) make a snowman without my direct supervision. Is that not the scariest thing you ever did see?
I call him weirdo, he responds only to that name now...Where was I? Oh yes Spring not springing...
    The only Spring going on around here is the plants that I excitedly and prematurely bought to put in my new front garden (which of course has not been dug yet). They are on my kitchen window sill, springing away like they have no idea...

Bless them...
Isaac has an ear infection. Poor boy he's so poorly...

Lucas not to be left out has an eye infection...
Forget embracing a Snow day (sorry Snow), it's sick day now.
Check out the new play area I made where our too big place where I dumped stuff dining table used to be. It needs refurbishing anyway and the boys are loving this space just for them.
Also I caught Lucas comforting his big brother without any prompting...

Oh hello heart melted all over the floor...And we watched some absolute classic movies...
Because isn't that the only good thing about being sick? Watching movies all day long...
And just to keep my old friend Snow happy I made sure we had a hot chocolate...

Happy Snow/Sick day everybody. May you enjoy all that it brings. Or something like that...


  1. So sorry you're all poorly right now! Spring has not yet sprung in Boston either, but now in Oregon it's all around and such a nice change!

  2. Hope everyone gets better soon! Love the little space for your n ice to have a big window nearby!

  3. Oh no! Poor boys, I hope they get well soon. But, it is pretty nice to get extra snuggle and movie time when they're not feeling well. I hope Spring comes to you soon!

  4. Well, I'm sure its not going to make you feel less bad but your pictures are great! Take a cup full of chickpeas (hummus beans), soak them overnight. The next day, put them in a pot of water and bring that pot to a boil. Then let it simmer for an hour or two until the chickpeas are tender. Eat some chick peas first thing in the morning AND DRINK THE BROTH. That works wonders for the throat. Especially if its the first thing you have in the morning. My husband would be all over the whiskey as medicine xx

  5. We had snow all weekend too. You are so right about how our expectations change things. This last snow was hard because the week before it was perfect spring weather, so we just expected it to stay nice. Spring always does that to me... aaah! Anyway, just wanted to say thanks for all your nice comments on my blog and I hope your little guy gets better soon.

    p.s. that snowman is hilarious!
