Thursday, 6 June 2013

'Oh the places you'll go...'

Today is your day.
You're off to Great Places!
You're off and away!

You have brains in your head.
You have feet in your shoes.
You can steer yourself
any direction you choose.
You're on your own. And you know what you know
And YOU are the guy who'll decide where to go.'...
Dr. Seuss

Life is smaller these days...

Made up of smaller seemly ordinary things...
But we know better...
We see what others miss...
And being followed home by a small black cat seems like a very great adventure indeed...

'Today is your day!
Your mountain is waiting.
So...get on your way'
Dr. Seuss


  1. Your pictures are stunning. I know exactly what you mean, having scoffed at many of the things I value most now when I was a younger version of me. Funny how we change. It's good you recognize that and don't always feel guilty for not living that 'glamourous' life you imagined - it is still glamorous, just in different ways!

  2. I can identify with you. I traveled to many exciting places and met exciting people and now there are times when I feel like my life and the places I go have become so ordinary. But I think as we grow older, those exciting journeys are inward. Your own spiritual evolution is quite exciting and takes you to beautiful destinations. And on the subject of being yourself. I've struggled with that a lot and I think I've decided, for me anyways, that being myself is more a journey than a destination. xx

    1. So true. I actually feel closer to the real me than ever before.x

  3. Awesome post! I'm right there with you. My dreams have mellowed a bit, but I don't find anything ordinary about motherhood--it is all so extraordinary and challenging, full of reflection and self-discovery...much like traveling. If EVERYONE traveled, it be quite ordinary. And if very few people raised children...what an extraordinary gift. Think how jealous all those world travelers would be, no? Some friends of mine (I had traveled with them to Nepal years ago) have just returned home after 3 months in India. They have deliberately chosen not to procreate, are tired of their jobs and were trying to figure out 'what to do next.' And while I was envious of their trip to India, I was SO GLAD I am not 37 years old and trying to figure out how to make my life happy. I've got it. There are things I would change, of course, but mostly, I've got it.

    1. You are so so right. I'm so glad I didn't put off having babies. I had no idea how much I would love motherhood. Or how it would change my life x

  4. It is an adventure isn't it? One Im so glad I took x

  5. stunning images. not sure why am I missing your posts. You are still an adventurer at heart just more sophisticated. =) Also once the kids are grown you might feel like traveling again.

    1. Exactly. And when I do I'm coming to see you!!! x

  6. This post is exactly what I'm feeling! I'm so glad I found your blog <3 love how much you've travelled too. Soooo much to catch up on;) love a xxxxx
