Saturday, 24 August 2013

Best bits

We just got back from a holiday in Switzerland and it was quite the travelling adventure. I can't wait to tell you all about it. I can't wait to show you all of it in photos. I can't wait. But yesterday we traveled for about 11 hours, I'm surrounded by bags to be unpacked, order is begging to be restored and the amount of photos to go through is daunting...

So how about some highlights. My best bits if you will...

I'm glad to be home, revived, inspired, happy.


  1. You should, it's so beautiful in the summer! xx

  2. What an amazing place to take a holiday!! Hope the memories last a lifetime and the bags unpack themselves!

  3. All I can say is... WOW. So painfully beautiful.

  4. Ohhh I'm so happy you got to indulge your wanderlust! The photos are overwhelmingly beautiful! I can't wait to see more!!! :)))) Welcome back. We missed you. xx

    1. Thank you I missed you too. You are right my feet were getting itchy xx
