Wednesday, 15 January 2014

6 years old

Just before Christmas my first born turned 6. 
Which is unbelievable.

To mark 6 years I thought I'd write 6 things I love about Isaac...
  1. His ever expanding imagination
  2. His creative spirit always building, creating and drawing. Covering every spare space of floor and piece of paper in the house. And I mean every single piece
  3. How much he loves his brother
  4. His sense of fun and jokes that don't make sense
  5. His wild energy And about a million other things...He woke to balloons as is our new birthday tradition...

The dinosaurs awaited him with his gifts...
Instead of a party this year we decided to go on a trip. Isaac wanted to go on a dinosaur safari but he also wanted to be a caveman. This was a tricky ask but we found the perfect place which combined both things.
Need I say more...?I will say more though.The boys went nuts for the models...

And this is something your eyes did not need to see...
Sorry about that. Man boobs aside, the best bit for me was the caves...

They were spectacular and decked out with festive lights...
Can you see the famous witch silhouette in the rock? 

I also enjoyed some of the small things in the surrounding greenery...
(I can't tell you how much I wanted to be a mermaid when I was little) There was small old school amusement park style attractions. We genuinely got lost in the mirror maze...

We also got to see Santa there.

When Santa found out it was also Isaac's birthday. He gave him two presents, one for Christmas and one for his birthday. I thought that was a nice touch. It was a great day. Again let me say. Sorry about the man boobs.


  1. Happy birthday to him!! What a fun place to celebrate!

  2. Holy Moly- that is ONE cool birthday. How fun that you went on a trip - it looks amazing- love the shot as cave men- too funny :)
    What a great job you did with the presents- you are so darn creative Sian.
    You need to come to Montana and visit- we have a museum Mr. 6 yr old would love,

    Happy Birthday!

    1. Thank you so much. You have no idea how much I would LOVE to visit Montana one day :)

  3. Sweet birthday! Nothing like a good man-boob shot, thanks. If you go to Montana, you'll have to swing through western Wyoming too : )

    1. hee you have no idea how much I LOVE to do that too! :)

  4. Awww happy birthday to you ... he is the one that made you a mom. The pictures are fantastic, as usual. xx
