Wednesday, 7 May 2014

Trip to Seahouses Northumberland

Over Easter we went on a short trip with Tim's parents to a place we had been before...
I'm starting to love road trips again no matter how long the journey. And this one was pretty damn long. But I'm constantly reminded how beautiful the countryside is. And although I love the comfort of staying at home, pottering around our garden, our routines, our games and walks in the woods, every time we take a trip the new surroundings excite me no end. Can you be both? A homebody and a traveler? Certainly looks like that's the way of it for me. We stayed in the same cottage overlooking the docks...
I took over a thousand photos which is just daunting to say the least. So I thought to save your eyeballs from strain I'll just give you the highlights. I can't promise your eyeballs are completely safe I've never been good at minimal...

That first drink of scenery after a long journey...

The warm welcome from the gulls...
The docks...
Returning to The Farne Islands...

The light in this ancient church on the Island...

This view of the mainland...

There were not as many puffins as last time so the few we did see were all the more special...

There were lots of these lovelies though...

Visiting these amazing castle ruins...

This moment in the castle grounds...

These flowers...
These flowers by the castle ruins...
My children in the flowers by the castle ruins...
My children running through fields of flowers by the castle ruins...
You get the idea...
The beach...
These brothers on the beach...

The time I said 'don't go in the water as we have no spare clothes'.And they totally listened...In no way at all...
I hate to admit it, but it was totally worth it...
I also suggested that 'now they are soaking wet you shouldn't roll around in the sand'.Which was also taken on board.And then discarded completely...

Beach kite flying...

These flowers by the beach...

The sunsets...

The moon...

The whole goddamn trip. Now go rest your eyeballs x


  1. What a gorgeous place to visit!!

  2. So incredibly gorgeous! That castle! You have definitely made me want to make another trip across the Atlantic! What a magical looking trip. <3

    1. oh you should and come and see me! :)

  3. I think you are right! :)
