Tuesday, 26 August 2014

Trip to Switzerland - rolling clouds and thunder storms

If there was a theme for our trip to Switzerland this summer (for Tim's dad's 70th birthday) it would be rolling clouds and thunder storms.

His family remarked that it had been an unusually bad summer in Switzerland with constant rain. They all agreed it was a shame that we did not get many sunny days with full view of the mountains.
    But I didn't feel that way at all. In fact I think I was a meteorologist in another life because I absolutely loved watching the different weather curl it's way around the huge immovable mountains. Every time I looked up, the view was completely different and I would ooh and ahh constantly.In fact after years of hating that I am not a consistent person in anything I do, I have come to realise that change, any change, is the thing that really sets me on fire. Which is probably why I like travelling in the first place.
Highlights of our trip...
The route...
It takes two full days of driving, with one crossing on a ferry and a stay overnight in a hotel in France. We kept ourselves amused...

Just like last time it was tiring but also one of my favourite parts of the whole trip.
As was the constant storms as we drove through France...

It was just like last time except more extreme. I felt like a storm chaser. That was until it got so bad we had to pull over because we couldn't see through the windscreen. Then I was like okay chill a bit with the beautiful storms we have to somehow find our hotel oh and STAY ALIVE!...
Returning to the familiar village that we love...

Exploring the woods with cousins...
Roasting sausages with cousins... 

Feeding grass to the mountain goats...

Campfires up the mountain

Everyone working while I watch the smoke rise through the trees...

Hiking across ancient waters from the Glacier above...

Feeling like you are living in a land above the clouds like Jack and the beanstalk...

These valleys...

These mountains...
Even when they are constantly playing hide and seek with you...

And too much more to list...

Change is a very good thing x


  1. It is amazing- truly amazing. What a lovely country it is- beautiful captures of kids and land, that must be one awesome trip Sian!

  2. Sounds like an amazing trip!! So envious, but thanks for sharing!!

  3. I bet the desert it stunning too :)
